In some cases, public records have been entered into BRAC’s archives but are not yet available to order through the PROV catalogue.
Thanks to agreements with the Agencies, some of these records can still be accessed by the public: City of Bendigo Inward Correspondence 1900-1985 and the City of Bendigo Building Registers (1924-1965). Please complete this Uncatalogued Items Order Form to request the item for delivery to the Bendigo Reading Room. Send the completed document as an attachment with your details (including PROV user ID) to
The City of Sandhurst-Bendigo Maps & Plans set is a significant part of the uncatalogued collection and has it's own index and order form. Simply review the index (below) and then place your order directly through BRAC by noting the full details in the Maps & Plans Order Form then send as an attachment with your details (including PROV user ID) to Retrieval of these items can take up to two weeks; we will send you an email to let you know when your order is ready to be accessed.
Indexes Available
City of Sandhurst-Bendigo Maps & Plans Index