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BRAC Resources

Other Resources

This is where you will find resources to help you access and use the BRAC collection. Our Reading Room staff are also happy to provide guidance.








The BRAC Guide to the Archives & Reading Room


This simple BRAC Guide booklet provides a brief overview of the who, what, where and how of BRAC and our collection including how to access our records.















For a full list of BRAC's holdings, plus indexes and relevant digital records, visit the Collections page.



PROV Catalogue - A Guide To Ordering​


Any items you want to see in the Bendigo Reading Room need to be ordered through the PROV website. Download a step-by-step guide to ordering records through the PROV catalogue, including screenshots, HERE. For a step-by-step guide to setting up your free PROV account, click HERE.


PROV YouTube Video Guides​


PROV has produced a number of video guides about broad parts of the collection which often incorporate records held at Bendigo - you can find them HERE.


BRAC Collection & Research Guides


Not sure where to start or what you'll find? We've produced these handy Guides on more popular research topics and records to help:


                  Guide: Sandhurst Ancestors in the Archives

                  Guide: Bendigo House Hunting at BRAC

                  Guide: Bendigo Health Collection

                  Collection Guide: Council Correspondence

                  Collection Guide: Rate Books



There are a number of records and indexes to records which are available online - visit the Catalogued Collection page for details and links.




But that's not all - we've collected a huge range of resources from terrific sources that might help you in your research:



Maps & Plans


There are many BRAC resources that will be easier to navigate if you have the right map or plan! Lots of digital and hard copy maps can be sourced from places like TROVE, PROV and your local library, but we've gathered some of the most useful for you HERE.



Public Records Office of Victoria & the National Archives of Australia


PROV & NAA provide many guides on the use of a whole range of public records - click HERE to view detailed booklets and general search guides by topic.


Other Helpful Resources


There are a wealth of other sites that can help researchers with their project, click through for a handy list:

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