Archives Organisations
There are lots of resources for archivists and those interested in best practice record handling. Many of these organisations have enewlsetters and Facebook pages that include details of events and training available in the archive industry.
Archive Associations
Australian Society of Archivists
The ASA have special interest groups in the following areas:
Collections of Faith Traditions
Reference, Access & Public Programs
School Archives
University Archives
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders
Business, Labour & Corporate Archives
Government Archives
Australian Museums & Galleries Association (AMaGA)
Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material
Records & Information Management Professionals
Council of Australasian Archives & Records Authorities
Directory of Australian Archives
International Council on Archives
Pacific Regional Branch International Council
Conservation Guides
Public Records Office of Victoria Community Based Organisations Toolkit
State Library Victoria Conservation Guide
National Gallery of Australia Conservation & Care Manual
Australian Institute for Conservation of Cultural Material
International Association of Sound & Audiovisual Archives Preservation Guide